Can I change or cancel my package subscription? What if I already have the Essential previously available or the Standard worldwide (Aeronautical Database and Notams)

You can subscribe via the following platforms: Air Navigation Services, Apple App Store, or Google Play Store, and you can easily upgrade your subscription with a few clicks. This way you keep control of your subscription and are able to adjust it to suit your needs. Note that once you start subscribing via a platform (Services, Apple or Google), you can only manage your subscription via this same platform. (For example, if you subscribe to Standard via the App Store, you must manage your subscription also via the App Store). 
If you already have a valid subscription to the Essential previously available or the Standard worldwide (Aeronautical Database and Notams), this will be taken into account when you decide to purchase a package and you will only pay the difference. 


1. Go to
2. On the left, click My subscriptions.
3. Check if you're signed in to the correct Google Account.


1st method:
1. Go to the Settings of your device (not in the app)
2. Click on iTunes App store
3. Click on your Email address
4. Select "View Apple ID"
5. Enter the password
6. Click on Subscriptions (you can see this menu only if you've got some Apple's subscriptions)
7. Click on Air Navigation packages and select the desired packages

2nd method:
1. Go to the App Store
2. Click on your ID on the corner
3. Click on your email address
4. Enter the password
5. Click on Subscriptions (you can see this menu only if you've got some Apple's subscriptions)
6. Click on Air Navigation packages and select the desired packages


  1. You need to go to
  2. Go to Store
  3. Click on the one you want
  4. It will direct you to PayPal

You are free to cancel your subscription at any time. It will take effect after the current subscription ends. No refunds are possible.

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